Ian Roop Design


Ian Roop Design
Starbucks logomark
Google logomark
Flipboard logomark
Credit Karma logomark
Adobe logomark

Crafted execution

Everything from the smallest detail to the bigger vision impacts the user experience. My work is rooted in traditional design methodologies: layout, typography and visual hierarchy. It's even more important to know what problem you're solving. I have a natural curiosity when it comes to human computer interaction and how products fit into people’s lives and their workflows. I’m committed to raising the bar and advocating for product excellence. From concept to code, I help teams create meaningful experiences through the power of technology and human centered design.

Creative collaboration

Part of my design process involves building relationships and fostering a positive approach to collaboration that’s also fun. As an individual contributor I use a protocol of openness and flexibility with others, where everyone feels comfortable exploring possibilities and doing their best work through regular feedback, experimentation and idea sharing. Diverse teams build better products.

Paths forward

Design in conjunction with a process of research, analysis and iteration can help companies visualize solutions that drive product and service innovation. By understanding limitations, uncovering constraints and working through ambiguity my work points the way toward possible positive outcomes. In general the work that I do isn’t merely problem solving, it’s also knowing what problems to avoid. Good design is a competitive advantage and together we can create beautiful experiences that exceed expectations.

Systems minded

Using consistent patterns, standard controls and common platform interactions all contribute to an app experience that feels familiar and is easy to use. I’ve worked with design organizations and platform teams to implement best practices for reusable components in order to reduce the production cost of building new features, speed up time to market and lower cognitive load.

More than UI

An interface should be clear and legible, sometimes almost invisible. Design isn’t just more UI, it’s how things look, what it does and how it works. By challenging the status quo, asking the right questions and validating product ideas along the way we can work towards addressing personal needs in the market and at the same time meet company goals. As we uncover assumptions and examine processes we will begin to build something great that's more than an app or merely software, we'll generate a design culture and a way of working.

Over the last 12 years I’ve worked at the intersection of technology and commerce. I've worked across industries, from coffee, to cloud computing, personal finance, smart home and creative tooling. I'm able to ramp up fairly quickly. I’ve helped brands delight customers, solve big problemes, evolve their products and reach new goals. I’m based in San Francisco and have led design initiatives on both the consumer and enterprise front, end to end and worked on native mobile (iOS and Android) and the responsive web projects.

Whether it’s partnering with product managers and stakeholders to define strategy, running qualitative interviews and collaborating with user researchers or providing comprehensive documentation and deliverables for engineers my role as a designer helps teams in multiple ways.

I try to get at the root of problems and find the right balance between user needs and business goals. In order to bring clarity to the solution space I rely on qualitative data, best practise, input from users, stakeholders and the feedback of others to move products forward. By using established principles of design, product thinking and strategic design I work methodically and instinctively. After observing user behavior in addition to collaboration and a mix of intuition I try to be thoughtful and intentional with prototypes to test. I bring an experimental mindset to any project.

Design values

Design ethics also come into play. My approach to design is founded upon an awareness of what builds trust and what to watch out for. This includes dark patterns, unnecessary friction, disguised ads or deceptive layouts or confusing, convoluted language. I’m guided by my understanding of the psychological principles responsible for human behavior and action. Good business benefits all stakeholders including communities, employees and the environment.


Qualitative research and design for Adobe Stock. Conducted interviews to understand mobile use cases, workflows and generative AI tooling during critical product phase. Led cross functional workshops.

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Strategic design proposal based on user feedback, previous sprint exercises and fresh ideas to bring clarity to the existing app. Provided a solid foundation for future work, including an opt in scrolling experience.

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Google Home

Worked with Nest Partner Engineering to stand up the Google Home Developer Center and companion website. Designed capabilities for developers to integrate with Google Home ecosystem and Google Home mobile apps.

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Google Cloud

Defined new way of working and team direction with product and engineering managers after releasing multiple features and several apps. Received multiple peer bonuses for design work during cross functional workshops.

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Credit Karma

Transformed the main screen of the iOS/Android apps under highly constrained conditions. Worked across the product org to solve complex problems, change perception and exceed revenue targets.

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Redesigned the Pay and Manage sections on iOS, consolidating common tasks and shipped an improved account management flow for better discoverability

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