Adobe Stock Vision Sprint

Adobe Stock Vision Sprint

Facilitated cross functional workshop and led exercises to explore divergent design solutions. Helped team create a vision for future work.


In July I helped organize and conduct the kickoff activities for a week long workshop with engineering leads, product managers, guests from the FireFly team and other stakeholders from the org. As MC, I kept the group on track throughout the intros, ice breakers, lightning talks, HMWs and afternoon sessions, then led a separate track focused on future work. This in person workshop loosely resembled the Google Ventures style sprint methodology.

So we did a series of Crazy 8's and solution sketches, working individually then sharing with the group. Later throughout the week we used the results from the exercises to explore potential directions for the product—part speculative design, part consolidated working session.

Solution sketch from workshop. Mid-fidelity above.

The focus of the workshop was to explore the future of stock in the age of AI. We as a group also looked at prompt literacy and the 'blank page effect'. Prompt literacy is a term related to someone's ability to get desired results from the prompt they create. Some users may not know how to prompt an AI when they begin. Discussions continued and the group considered ways to create a custom model by uploading several reference images. Other topics like customization were informed by the qualitative research and interviews I had conducted.

Crazy 8 sketch from round 2
A way to prompt visually or with a reference image to address low prompt literacy
Qualitative research indicated participant's expected to find access to AI generator inside of search